In Luke 14, as Christ instructs His followers about the costs of following Him, He gives the example of a man who set out to build a tower but was unable to finish because he did not properly plan and budget for the project.
As a self-professed gear enthusiast, I have a bit of “stuff” for my hobbies and interests. I know how I should answer if Christ were to instruct me in the same way (considering the parable of the Rich Young Ruler), but could I answer any differently?
The trip reminded me of the value of time shared with loved ones and the memories created with one another.
Stewardship is an awesome responsibility when we realize it is really a relationship. God desires and invites us to share in His vast wealth in order to partner with Him in fulfilling His purposes with those resources. How do we embrace this role with proper motivation and live it out?
To give generously, we must first be people of contentment. The foundation for a generous spirit is a content soul.